Friday, May 25, 2007

anti-comic sans propaganda

Wow. Today I found out that people in the world that have, in fact, dedicated their lives to the eradication of the creepiest font on Microsoft Word, Comic Sans. The font itself is dingy, childish, unprofessional, banal and eerily omnipresent.

The hate-site puts it extremely well:

"Like the tone of a spoken voice, the characteristics of a typeface convey meaning. The design of the typeface is, in itself, its voice. Often this voice speaks louder than the text itself. Thus when designing a "Do Not Enter" sign the use of a heavy-stroked, attention-commanding font such as Impact or Arial Black is appropriate. Typesetting such a message in Comic Sans would be ludicrous. Though this is sort of misuse is frequent, it is unjustified. Clearly, Comic Sans as a voice conveys silliness, childish naivete, irreverence, and is far too casual for such a purpose. It is analogous to showing up for a black tie event in a clown costume."

Take a bow, for the world owes you much.

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