Wednesday, December 6, 2006

bad timing

I suppose it's bad timing for me to start a blog just two weeks before final exams. But I just bought an iMac (we are very happy together), so I figure I'm already distracted- let's go all the way. What do I want to do with this blog? I've already had a LiveJournal since my sophomore year in high school. It's a fine gathering of impossibly emo teenagers cursing the dark, unfair world in their goth fonts and publishing solitary black-and-white photo shoots. I can't really relate to that hopeless bipolarism anymore because I'm in college now, and have been for a solid semester. The independence and opportunities that come with college life is like that $20/pint artesian water compared to the murky piss of everything that came before.

This is a new start, with new adventures, and a new blog for the world to see. And if I have a bad day, it'll go straight to LJ.

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