Wednesday, December 20, 2006

22% chance of freaking out over being 1/8 done with college

My fall semester ended today. It's kind of anti-climactic because people finish their exams on different days and stream out. I guess there's not much to expect at the end of the semester because anything exciting that should happen doesn't happen during exam week. Unless you count people kneeling in front of a Testudo, and that's not exciting.

I watched Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants today. It didn't have the word "Prada" and I was very excited to have seen in the trailers last year, a curvaceous Hispanic adolescent not making a cameo as maid service. So with the fabulous illegal file-sharing contraption DC++ (Actually, the program itself is not illegal, just everything that's copyrighted, or in other words, everything.)

All cheesiness in this movie is excused. The coming-of-age movie genre needs that Voice of Reason narration hanging over it for reassurance. It also needs girly talks, homemade candles and friendship bracelets. That's how girls know that they need not toss themselves into a dumpster till puberty is over. I fiercely contend that rhe movie's diverse and independent four-member cast could open up a can of whoop ass on the Mean Girls. I'd pay to see that, but these girls have too much poise to even consider that. They are four friends who have been around each other since they were fetuses (their pregnant moms meet at an aerobics class) and seventeen years later, they all split up for the first time over the summer. The narrator tells us in the beginning that they've seen each other through the rough patches of growing up, divorce and even suicide. It's like Sarah Jessica Parker's Sex and the City groupies with brains and self-esteem.

Lena, the Greek of the group, visits the homeland. In the token romantic boatride scene with her hunky love interest, she tells him that she's jealous of her friend Tibbie. Tibbie is the half-emo chick with blue streaks, a nose ring and a bent towards moviemaking. No character in any Hollywood movie has ever been allowed to admire that. She knows herself, Lena says, and she wishes she could too. Kudos. At the end of the movie, the quartet drives down to South Carolina for Carmen's dad's wedding (to an oblivious blonde WASP). And the ending was very heartwarming, but I was hoping that they'd run over Hilary Duff on the way.

I officially give thee permission to watch and seriously analyze this chick flick. Now go!

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